Life Enhancement Factor
"Intentionally creating circles of friendship by defining meaningful relationships and choosing the people who influence us."
Friendship Connections is about relationship building, connection and community. Our aim is to have meaningful, face to face conversations.
You can read about our catch-ups in our blog page.
By coming together in person we aim to:
reduce social isolation
have fun with lively conversations
provide a safe place for people to share their story
when the need arises be available if someone asks for help
promote self-care, build resilience and encourage personal development, and
be role models for our community
Social media can make other people's lives ‘look’ glamorous. The reality is there are challenges – ups, downs & in-between. Experience the joy of meaningful relationships at a #FriendshipConnections gathering. We meet a minimum of monthly and at other times for special events.
To find out more please contact me, or book in via our events page.
Important: this is not a business networking group.