Experience the power of a transformational therapy session.
During January 2018 receive 30% discount.
Discover what this experience will offer you:
Negative emotions can become trapped in the unconscious mind and body, where they can then cause disruption to your well-being, emotionally and physically.
~ anger ~ frustration
~ guilt ~past hurt
~ body image concerns
~ lack of confidence
~ grief and sadness
~ fear of failure
At a cellular level this negative stored energy can be associated with heart related conditions, depression, and lowering of the immune system function.
Trapped and dissociated emotions which you may not be aware of consciously can lead to pain in certain regions of your body.
Prolonged stress and anxiety is another major factor that can produce significant alterations to energy levels, leading to health related issues.
Time Line Therapy® is a unique tool used to remove negative emotions and positively influence your health.
Contact me now to commence your transformational journey.
Yours in harmony, Julie
m: 0419 821 749