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If you want change, YOU have to change!

Writer's picture: Julie TimminsJulie Timmins

What is your ‘why’, and why is it important?

Think about a time when you might have been on holiday and you decide you want to, make a change, do something differently ‘when I get back home I will ….…(insert big idea!). But, when you get home- how do you feel? Do you put plans into action, or has your dream drifted to the far horizon and no longer seems a reality?

If this resonates with you, maybe it is time to dust off the cobwebs of that wistful dream and start to set your intention toward making it a reality!

To understand you purpose, start by identifying your passions. What excites you every day? It might be as simple as waking up to a new day in this vibrant city, taking the time to appreciate the sun, earth and sky – expressing gratitude for a simple life. Or it might be a big, but scary, audacious goal! Either way your passion is yours and it is unique and worthy of celebration!

Start the journey toward your highest aspirations today.

When I work with you, some of my questions are:

. what keeps you awake at night that you are excited about, so that you can’t wait to get started the next day?

. where are you now in relation to what you want to achieve? What progress have you made so far?

. how many times have you set your plans into action, but find they get stalled and you’re unsure why?

. who is this for – you, of are you doing something because it seems it is ‘expected’ of you?

Take some time to consider these questions, then call me to arrange a catch-up.

Together we can put your plans into achievable actions.

Let’s get started now! I can be contacted on 0419 821 749 or book online at:

Wednesday - The e-Centre, 70 Ashmore Road Bundall Gold Coast

Saturday - 33 Cairns Street Kangaroo Point Brisbane

Other times by arrangement.

Wellbeing for high performance personal coaching includes Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques that help you understand your internal dialogue and learn how to effectively respond to challenging situations by consciously choosing positive language to achieve your desired outcomes.

Depending on individual needs, Time Line Therapy may be incorporated with your coaching. Time Line Therapy assists you to overcome self-sabotaging thought patterns and empowers you with new ways of thinking.

Time Line Therapy – is a safe and supported consultation process that identifies challenging emotional states that may be having an impact on life: stress, anxiety, grief, sadness, fear, frustration, procrastination. We each experience these emotions at different times. So, with renewed confidence and some key strategies, you can:

. enforce your boundaries

. focus on what you want to achieve

. take back control of your life.


To clear your mind from overwhelm your wellbeing journey can be supported with guided meditations and relaxation techniques.

To escape the constant busyness of everyday life, rest and recovery is your key to success. Whether it is work, sport or carer responsibilities, you deserve a break to avoid burnout. You will be rewarded with a rejuvenated mind and body. Attend classes each week that are planned to reinforce your learning, provide on-going guidance, and consolidate your practice.

Meditation Classes - Saturday at 33 Cairns Street, Kangaroo Point

Session 1: 7.30am to 8.15am

Session 2: 8.30pm to 9.15pm

This is a pathway of self- commitment and self-care.


Aroma-Massage !

"The best way to health is an aromatic massage every day" Hippocrates 500BC

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